Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A fun-filled summer evening

Tonight's City Council meeting might not be quite as much fun as a trip to an amusement park, but it's likely to be a whole other kind of wild ride.

This evening, the City Council will consider two reports related to the proposal to provide nearly $300,000,000 in public assets to help build a stadium for the San Francisco 49ers.

What are the items on tonight's agenda?:

1. In April, the City Council authorized spending $200,000 on consultants to provide analysis of the proposal. At the meeting tonight, City staff will recommended that the City Council authorize spending an additional $115,000 for consulting services.

2. The City Council will review KMA's report on developing an additional 11 acres to the east and west of Centennial Boulevard along Stars and Stripes Drive for the potential purpose of raising money to pay for the stadium.

The agenda is available here:


You can open the specific reports on these two items from the online agenda.

What can you do?:

1. Attend the City Council meeting on TONIGHT at 7pm and speak out! Speakers will probably be limited to 2 minutes each.

2. Call the Santa Clara City Council at

(408) 615-2250

3. Write a Letter to:

Patricia M. Mahan, Mayor
City Hall
1500 Warburton Avenue
Santa Clara, CA 95050

4. Send an email to:


5. Spread the word! Tell your neighbors and friends and encourage them to get involved!

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