Sunday, April 25, 2010

Stop the Bleeding -- Vote No on J!

With this year's $13.5 Million deficit (expected to grow further next year) the City of Santa Clara is sinking from the ranks of fiscally sound, well-managed cities. It's saddening that we may lose yet another guaranteed $5 Million per year in rent from our fabled theme park, Great America.

Saddening, but not surprising. We already provide an annual give-away of $2.5 Million to the San Francisco 49ers' in the form of below-market rent on their training center.

Measure J extends that deal and expands the loss. The San Francisco 49ers would rent a brand new, state-of-the-art stadium for 25% of fair market value of the land it sits on!

Worse, they'd pay only 14% of the land's fair market value during the first 10 years of operation. Over the next two years, as our deficits sky-rocket, they'd pay nothing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She said that the general fund had to borrow from cash reserves this year. We're down to about $2.5 in cash; shortfalls next year are going to be larger than this year's $13.5 million.

What is going to happen? This is uncharted territory.

Does it make sense to own a stadium now?